Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bands at the Station

Mark and I are super pleased to have received great support from our local pub 'The Station'.

On Saturday 25th Jan, we are hosting an evening of entertainment with 'The Ringers' supported by 'The Two Amigos' (which are now three).

We will also have a raffle, games of skill and of course a bit of drinking.

The event will be held upstairs from 7:30pm and in return for a nights worth of entertainment all we ask for is a donation to Macmillan via either Mark or myself either on the night or on our justgiving pages.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Isn't this some sort of jolly.....

Hello, dear reader, Matt here....

One of the questions which pops up frequently is 'isn't this some sort of jolly?' which often leads to 'why the devil should I sponsor you, to have you go and enjoy yourself?'

Whilst I am more than happy to admit, it is fun, there is nothing about raising money for a worthy cause which requires it to not be. At the same time - it is a challenge, its tough, exhausting and not without its dangers.

Mark and I do pay for all the costs of entering the event, every single penny raised in sponsorship and donations goes directly to Macmillan - and it is run by a bunch of dedicated individuals who very kindly donate an awful lot of their time knowing what a difference the money raised will make.

Mark and I could, quite easily, go on a road-trip with likeminded individuals and have a blast, without troubling all you folks for sponsorship money - but we chose not to - not because we can't, but because if we are going to do this - we may as well do it for a good cause.

On the other hand, had we not done this, all those people and companies who have donated their time, money and goods to this wonderful cause may not have done so - and this would have been a lost opportunity to do a little good.